Marina Holter
Founder & Lead Coach
Marina developed a running habit from a young age. Through many seasons of life, running has stayed a throughline, anchoring her in a discipline that has always provided a path for self-connection. Running has been a companion through triumphs and setbacks, providing experiences that have shaped and molded her into who she is today. Marina deeply believes in the potential of all.
Two years ago, Marina left a hospitality career and began pursuing coaching. At that time, she founded Marina & the Rest, her coaching LLC. Under that umbrella, she coached over 100 athletes – from first-time 5ks to ultramarathons. She is an RRCA Level II Running Coach, a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, IFS-informed, and constantly learning.
Inner Lane is the continuation of Marina & the Rest, providing space for Marina to grow with other coaches, reach more runners, and continue to dream big through the lens of mindfulness, movement, running, and beyond.
RRCA Level 2 Certified Run Coach & Youth Coach
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
GRC Run Club Run Leader
Cycling Instructor
IFS Informed Perspective
1 × Ultra-Marathon, 5 × Marathon, 7 × Half Marathon
Hood to Coast Relay Finisher & Group Trainer
Run Lead @ GRC Run Club
Instructor @ Spynergy
Instructor @ Midtown Athletic Club
Teach @ Forth Studio